Die fantastischen Vier ( Williams - Verlag ) 1974 bis 1978
Nr. | Cover Monat Jahr |
Geschichte/ Titel - Ein- führungs- seite |
Redak- tion Mitar- beiter |
Redak- tion Seiten |
Original Serie |
Ori. Nr. |
Original Cover |
Ge- schichte Titel Original |
Redak- tion Original |
Autor Ge- schichte Original |
Zeichner Original |
Tusche Original |
Lettering Original | Cover-zeichner Original |
76 |
Jan 77 |
Das lebende Totem! |
Fantastic Four | 80 |
Nov 68 |
Where treads the Living Totem! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Begehret nicht eures Nachbarn Planeten |
Daredevil | 28 |
Mai 67 |
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's planet! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | Dick Ayers | |||||||
77 |
Feb 77 |
Jetzt kommt die schöne Crystal! |
Fantastic Four | 81 |
Dez 68 |
Enter-- the exquisite elemental! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | ||||
Begehret nicht eures Nachbarn Planeten |
Daredevil | 28 |
Mai 67 |
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's planet! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | Dick Ayers | |||||||
78 |
Feb 77 |
Das Zeichen des Wahnsinnigen |
Fantastic Four | 82 |
Jan 69 |
The mark of-- the madman! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Demaskiert |
Daredevil | 29 |
Jun 67 |
Unmasked! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
79 |
Mrz 77 |
Soll die Menschheit Überleben? |
Fantastic Four | 83 |
Feb 69 |
Shall man survive? | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Demaskiert |
Daredevil | 29 |
Jun 67 |
Unmasked! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
80 |
Mrz 77 |
Sein Name ist Doom! |
Fantastic Four | 84 |
Mrz 69 |
The name is Doom! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Demaskiert |
Daredevil | 29 |
Jun 67 |
Unmasked! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
81 |
Apr 77 |
In diesem gequältem Land! |
Fantastic Four | 85 |
Apr 69 |
Within this tortured land | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Wenn da ein Donnergott wäre |
Daredevil | 30 |
Jul 67 |
...If there should be a Thunder God! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
82 |
Apr 77 |
Die Opfer |
Fantastic Four | 86 |
Mai 69 |
The victims! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Wenn da ein Donnergott wäre |
Daredevil | 30 |
Jul 67 |
...If there should be a Thunder God! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
83 |
Mai 77 |
Die Macht und der Stolz |
Fantastic Four | 87 |
Jun 69 |
The power and the pride! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Wenn da ein Donnergott wäre |
Daredevil | 30 |
Jul 67 |
...If there should be a Thunder God! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
84 |
Mai 77 |
Es war einmal ein Haus! |
Fantastic Four | 88 |
Jul 69 |
A house there was! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Bluff eines Blinden |
Daredevil | 31 |
Aug 67 |
Blind man's bluff! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
85 |
Mai 77 |
Die Wut des Maulwurfs! |
Fantastic Four | 89 |
Aug 69 |
The madness of the Mole Man! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Bluff eines Blinden |
Daredevil | 31 |
Aug 67 |
Blind man's bluff! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
86 |
Jun 77 |
Die Skrull machen Jagd auf Sklaven |
Fantastic Four | 90 |
Sep 69 |
The Skrull takes a slave! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Der Kampf der aussichtslos ist |
Daredevil | 32 |
Sep 67 |
...To fight the impossible fight! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
87 |
Jun 77 |
Das Ding... Versklavt |
Fantastic Four | 91 |
Okt 69 |
The Thing -- Enslaved! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Der Kampf der aussichtslos ist |
Daredevil | 32 |
Sep 67 |
...To fight the impossible fight! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
88 |
Jul 77 |
Ben Grimm, der Killer! |
Fantastic Four | 92 |
Nov 69 |
Ben Grimm, killer | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Es kommt... der Käfer! |
Daredevil | 33 |
Okt 67 |
Behold... the Beetle! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
89 |
Jul 77 |
In der Hand von Torge |
Fantastic Four | 93 |
Dez 69 |
At the mercy of Torgo! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Frank Giacoia | |||||
Es kommt... der Käfer! |
Daredevil | 33 |
Okt 67 |
Behold... the Beetle! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
90 |
Aug 77 |
Die Rückkehr der Furchtbaren Vier! |
Fantastic Four | 94 |
Jan 70 |
The return of the Frightful Four! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Einen Käfer zu zerquetschen |
Daredevil | 34 |
Nov 67 |
To squash a Beetle! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
91 |
Aug 77 |
Beginnt morgen... der 3. Weltkrieg! |
Fantastic Four | 95 |
Feb 70 |
Tomorrow -- World War Three! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Einen Käfer zu zerquetschen |
Daredevil | 34 |
Nov 67 |
To squash a Beetle! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
92 |
Sep 77 |
Der verrückte Denker und seine Todesandroiden! |
Fantastic Four | 96 |
Mrz 70 |
The Mad Thinker and his androids of death! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Frank Giacoia | |||||
Der Dämon stirbt als erster |
Daredevil | 35 |
Dez 67 |
Daredevil dies first! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
93 |
Sep 77 |
Das Monster aus der Todeslagune |
Fantastic Four | 97 |
Apr 70 |
The monster from the lost lagoon! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Frank Giacoia | |||||
Der Dämon stirbt als erster |
Daredevil | 35 |
Dez 67 |
Daredevil dies first! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
94 |
Okt 77 |
Das Geheimnis auf dem Mond! |
Fantastic Four | 98 |
Mai 70 |
Mystery on the Moon! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Der Tod lauert zweimal |
Daredevil | 36 |
Jan 68 |
The name of the game is mayhem! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | Frank Giacoia | |||||||
95 |
Okt 77 |
Die Fackel dreht durch! |
Fantastic Four | 99 |
Jun 70 |
The Torch goes wild! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Der Tod lauert zweimal |
Daredevil | 36 |
Jan 68 |
The name of the game is mayhem! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | Frank Giacoia | |||||||
96 |
Okt 77 |
Heimreise mit Hindernissen! |
Fantastic Four | 100 |
Jul 70 |
The long journey home! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Die teuflische Rache des Dr. Doom! |
Daredevil | 37 |
Feb 68 |
Don't look now, but it's-- Dr. Doom! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
97 |
Nov 77 |
Chaos im Baxter Bulding! |
Fantastic Four | 101 |
Aug 70 |
Bedlam in the Baxter Building! | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Die teuflische Rache des Dr. Doom! |
Daredevil | 37 |
Feb 68 |
Don't look now, but it's-- Dr. Doom! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
98 |
Nov 77 |
Aquarius greift an! |
Fantastic Four | 102 |
Sep 70 |
The strength of the Sub-Mariner | Stan Lee | Jack Kirby | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Das lebende Gefängnis! |
Daredevil | 38 |
Mrz 68 |
The Living Prison! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | Frank Giacoia | |||||||
99 |
Dez 77 |
Im Krieg mit Atlantis! |
Fantastic Four | 103 |
Okt 70 |
At war with Atlantis! | Stan Lee | John Romita Sr. | John Verpoorten | |||||
Das lebende Gefängnis! |
Daredevil | 38 |
Mrz 68 |
The Living Prison! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | Frank Giacoia | |||||||
100 |
Dez 77 |
Unsere Welt - versklavt! |
Fantastic Four | 104 |
Nov 70 |
Our world -- enslaved! | Stan Lee | John Romita Sr. | John Verpoorten | |||||
Der Ausrotter und das super-mächtige Terror-Trio |
Daredevil | 39 |
Apr 68 |
The Exterminator and the super-powered Unholy Three | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | George Tuska | |||||||
Jan 78 |
Das Monster ist in der Stadt! |
Fantastic Four | 105 |
Dez 70 |
The monster in the streets! | Stan Lee | John Romita Sr. | John Verpoorten | |||||
Der Ausrotter und das super-mächtige Terror-Trio |
Daredevil | 39 |
Apr 68 |
The Exterminator and the super-powered Unholy Three | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | George Tuska | |||||||
102 |
Jan 78 |
Das Geheimnis des Monsters! |
Fantastic Four | 106 |
Jan 71 |
The monster's secret! | Stan Lee | John Romita Sr. | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Der besiegte Held |
Daredevil | 40 |
Mai 68 |
The fallen hero! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
103 |
Feb 78 |
Im Mittelpunkt: Das Ding |
Fantastic Four | 107 |
Feb 71 |
And now -- the Thing! | Stan Lee | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Der besiegte Held |
Daredevil | 40 |
Mai 68 |
The fallen hero! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
104 |
Feb 78 |
Das Alptraum Monster Nega-Mann |
Fantastic Four | 108 |
Mrz 71 |
The monstrous mystery of the Nega-Man! | Stan Lee | John Buscema, Jack Kirby, John Romita Sr. | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Der Tod von Mike Murdock |
Daredevil | 41 |
Jun 68 |
The death of Mike Murdock! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
105 |
Mrz 78 |
Tod in der Negativzone |
Fantastic Four | 109 |
Apr 71 |
Death in the Negative Zone! | Stan Lee | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Der Tod von Mike Murdock |
Daredevil | 41 |
Jun 68 |
The death of Mike Murdock! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | John Tartaglione | |||||||
106 |
Mrz 78 |
Da waren`s nur noch drei! |
Fantastic Four | 110 |
Mai 71 |
One from four leaves three! | Stan Lee | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Niemand lacht über den Spassvogel |
Daredevil | 42 |
Jul 68 |
Nobody laughs at the Jester! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | Dan Adkins | |||||||
107 |
Apr 78 |
Das Ding läuft Amok |
Fantastic Four | 111 |
Jun 71 |
The Thing-- Amok! | Stan Lee | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Niemand lacht über den Spassvogel |
Daredevil | 42 |
Jul 68 |
Nobody laughs at the Jester! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | Dan Adkins | |||||||
108 |
Apr 78 |
Die Schlacht der Giganten |
Fantastic Four | 112 |
Jul 71 |
Battle of the behemoths! | Stan Lee | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Im Kampf gegen Captain America |
Daredevil | 43 |
Aug 68 |
In combat with Captain America! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | Vincent Colletta | |||||||
109 |
Mai 78 |
Die Macht von Superhirn! |
Fantastic Four | 113 |
Aug 71 |
The power of-- the Over-Mind! | Stan Lee | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Im Kampf gegen Captain America |
Daredevil | 43 |
Aug 68 |
In combat with Captain America! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | Vincent Colletta | |||||||
110 |
Mai 78 |
Aber wer auf der Welt stoppt Superhirn? |
Fantastic Four | 114 |
Sep 71 |
But who shall stop the Over-Mind? | Stan Lee | John Buscema | Frank Giacoia | ||||
Ich, der Mörder |
Daredevil | 44 |
Sep 68 |
I, murderer! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | Vincent Colletta | |||||||
111 |
Jun 78 |
Das Geheimnis der Unsterblichen |
Fantastic Four | 115 |
Okt 71 |
The secret of the Eternals | Archie Goodwin, Stan Lee | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Ich, der Mörder |
Daredevil | 44 |
Sep 68 |
I, murderer! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | Vincent Colletta | |||||||
112 |
Jun 78 |
Die Stunde der Entscheidung! |
Fantastic Four | 116 |
Nov 71 |
The alien, the ally, and-- Armageddon! / Now falls the final hour! | Archie Goodwin | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Die Folgen der Niederlage |
Daredevil | 45 |
Okt 68 |
The dismal dregs of defeat! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | Vincent Colletta | |||||||
113 |
Jun 78 |
Wenn die letzte Stunde schhlägt |
Fantastic Four | 116 |
Nov 71 |
Now falls the final hour | Archie Goodwin, Stan Lee | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Die Folgen der Niederlage |
Daredevil | 45 |
Okt 68 |
The dismal dregs of defeat! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | Vincent Colletta | |||||||
114 |
Jul 78 |
Die Fackel und die Suche! |
Fantastic Four | 117 |
Dez 71 |
The flame and the quest! | Archie Goodwin | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Der letzte Spass |
Daredevil | 46 |
Nov 68 |
...The final jest! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | George Klein | |||||||
115 |
Jul 78 |
Das Geheimnis der Ruine! |
Fantastic Four | 118 |
Jan 72 |
Thunder in the ruins! | Archie Goodwin | John Buscema | Jim Mooney | |||||
Verrückte Welt |
Fantastic Four | 118 |
Jan 72 |
What mad world? | Archie Goodwin | John Buscema | Jim Mooney | |||||||
Der letzte Spass |
Daredevil | 46 |
Nov 68 |
...The final jest! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | George Klein | |||||||
116 |
Aug 78 |
Drei halten zusammen! |
Fantastic Four | 119 |
Feb 72 |
Three stood together! | Roy Thomas | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Bruder, nimm meine Hand |
Daredevil | 47 |
Dez 68 |
Brother, take my hand! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | George Klein | |||||||
117 |
Aug 78 |
Das Grauen, das vom Himmel kommt |
Fantastic Four | 120 |
Mrz 72 |
The horror that walks on air! | Stan Lee | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Bruder, nimm meine Hand |
Daredevil | 47 |
Dez 68 |
Brother, take my hand! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | George Klein | |||||||
118 |
Sep 78 |
Das schreckliche Geheimnis des Racheengels Gabriel! |
Fantastic Four | 121 |
Apr 72 |
The mysterious mind-blowing secret of Gabriel! | Stan Lee | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Lebe wohl, Foggy |
Daredevil | 48 |
Jan 69 |
Farewell to Foggy! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | George Klein | |||||||
119 |
Sep 78 |
Galactus ist los! |
Fantastic Four | 122 |
Mai 72 |
Galactus unleashed | Stan Lee | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Lebe wohl, Foggy |
Daredevil | 48 |
Jan 69 |
Farewell to Foggy! | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | George Klein | |||||||
120 |
Okt 78 |
Diese Welt... versklavt? |
Fantastic Four | 123 |
Jun 72 |
This world enslaved! | Stan Lee | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Der Dämon steigt auuuuss |
Daredevil | 49 |
Feb 69 |
Daredevil drops out | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | George Klein | |||||||
121 |
Okt 78 |
Die Rückkehr des Monsters! |
Fantastic Four | 124 |
Jul 72 |
The return of the monster! | Stan Lee | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Der Dämon steigt auuuuss |
Daredevil | 49 |
Feb 69 |
Daredevil drops out | Stan Lee | Gene Colan | George Klein | |||||||
122 |
Okt 78 |
Das Geheimnis des Monsters! |
Fantastic Four | 125 |
Aug 72 |
The monster's secret! | Stan Lee | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Muss ich heute sterben... ? |
Daredevil | 50 |
Mrz 69 |
If in battle I fall---! | Stan Lee | Barry Windsor-Smith | Johnny T. Craig | |||||||
123 |
Nov 78 |
Wie alles begann! |
Fantastic Four | 126 |
Sep 72 |
The way it began! | Roy Thomas | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Muss ich heute sterben... ? |
Daredevil | 50 |
Mrz 69 |
If in battle I fall---! | Stan Lee | Barry Windsor-Smith | Johnny T. Craig | |||||||
124 |
Nov 78 |
Wo die Sonne sich fürchte |
Fantastic Four | 127 |
Okt 72 |
Where the sun dares not shine! | Roy Thomas | John Buscema | Joe Sinnott | |||||
Lauf Murdock, lauf! |
Daredevil | 51 |
Apr 69 |
Run, Murdock, run! | Roy Thomas | Barry Windsor-Smith | George Klein |