X-Männer, X-Menschen ( bsv - Verlag )
Nr. |
Cover Monat Jahr |
Geschichte/ Titel - Ein- führungs- seite |
Redak- tion Mitar- beiter |
Redak- tion Seiten |
Original Serie |
Ori. Nr. |
Original Cover |
Ge- schichte Titel Original |
Redak- tion Original |
Autor Ge- schichte Original |
Zeichner Original |
Tusche Original |
Lettering Original |
Cover-zeichner Original |
216 |

Mission Mord!  |

Uncanny X-Men |
58 |
Mission: Murder! |
Roy Thomas |
Neal Adams |
Tom Palmer |
Cyclops der einäugige Gigant  |
Tales to Astonish |
46 |
..When Cyclops walks the Earth |
Ernie Hart, Stan Lee |
Don Heck |
Don Heck |
217 |
Der letzte X-Mann  |

Uncanny X-Men |
59 |
Do or die, baby! |
Roy Thomas |
Neal Adams |
Tom Palmer |
Das Ende des Fluchs!  |
Tales to Astonish |
75 |
The end of the quest! |
Stan Lee |
Adam Austin |
Vincent Colletta |
218 |
Soll keiner überleben?  |

Uncanny X-Men |
17 |
...And none shall survive! |
Jack Kirby, Stan Lee |
Jack Kirby, Werner Roth |
Dick Ayers |
Andere Welten, andere Feinde  |
Tales to Astonish |
73 |
Another world, another foe! |
Stan Lee |
Jack Kirby |
Bob Powell |
219 |
Wenn Eismann versagt...!  |

Uncanny X-Men |
18 |
If Iceman should fail! |
Stan Lee |
Werner Roth |
Dick Ayers |
Die Weisheit des Wächters!  |
Tales to Astonish |
74 |
The wisdom of the Watcher! |
Stan Lee |
Jack Kirby, Bob Powell |
Mickey Demeo |
220 |
Ich, Luzifer!  |

Uncanny X-Men |
20 |
I, Lucifer... |
Stan Lee, Roy Thomas |
Werner Roth |
Dick Ayers |
Wer bricht die Macht des Boomerang?  |
Tales to Astonish |
81 |
The stage is set! |
Stan Lee |
Jack Kirby |
Bill Everett |